Curently, now the Sensors have been updated
following the feedback from Babylon 5, I’ve started working on one of
the refinements to the emitter circuits to make them a little cheaper
(less componants) before fully publishing everything.
It can be summarised as changing the way the signal sent to the IR emitter is generated.
The current circuits, PPG and in-development use an
EXTERNAL signal modulation method – this is the easiest to code, but
needs additional external componants.
In this it uses the PWNOUT command in picaxe basic
to generate the 57.6kHz carrier signal on 1 pin, and the 1800hz “Hit”
signal on a different pin. These two signals are then fed into an
external AND gate made from transistors and then,
(depending on power output desired) fed into a Mosfet to drive the
For the data signal, it replaced the hit signal
output on the pin with the serial data output after 50 mS, using the
Picaxe basic command to generate serial data via the software on any
pin. Relatively simple and working fine now.
The refinement in development however takes
advantage of some of the modules built into the PIC chip that is the
core of the Picaxe to output a fully modulated signal on a single pin,
without needing the components for the external AND
gate – the payoff is it’s more difficult to code.
In a nutshell –
It tells the PWM module that generates the PWM “carrier” and “hit” signals module to not output to the physical pins
Then tells the Data Signal Modulator to use 2 PWM module outputs above as the input.
Triggering the signal is a case of switching the ”hit” signal generation on or off depending.
For the data signal, it’s a case of telling the Data Signal Modulator to use the serial signal instead of the Hit signal
The part I’m currently working on is the switch
between Hit signal and Serial data signal - I’ve got the serial data
outputting on the Serial out pin. I need to get it switching off the
physical pin output for the serial code and also changing
the source for the 2nd input to the data signal modulator. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the weekend.