Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Overall progress

So, quick progress update on the Arcturus system. Now no longer Project: Arcturus now the Arcturus Larp Combat System

Eventually there are going to be two variants of each circuit – one using the quite commonly available DFplayer micro-sdcard audio module, and one using a flash memory based audio module that you load the sounds on via usb.

The advantage being the DFplayer is easier to get hold of (Amazon, eBay, Aliexpres etc) whereas the flash player is a little harder to get hold of – I’ve only seen them on aliexpress at the moment. The DFplayer is however more expensive overall when you factor in the need for an SDcard.

The flash player can also only drive up to 1W output compared to the 3W output capability of the DFplayer, but I’m also investigating various small sized amplifiers – which still work out cheaper than the sdcard/DFplayer combination.

Overall, each has there pro’s and con’s 😊

Anyhow, onto the rough progress:


Using DFplayer microSD audio system

Physical circuits:


Refined circuit design for emitter – Done

Above design on Veroboard – planned, not checked yet – timescale – Next 2-3 weeks

Above design PCB layout – sent to be prototyped, one issue needs changing for optional amp – Timescale – boards due to arrive in next 3-4 weeks, will work ok up to 3W output from audio system


Refined circuit design for sensor – Done, experimental version with swappable headband plug planned

Above design on Veroboard – planned, not checked yet – timescale – Next 2-3 weeks

Above design PCB layout – sent to be prototyped, one issue needs changing for optional amp – Timescale – boards due to arrive in next 3-4 weeks, will work ok up to 3W output from audio system


Basic code (No data transfer) – done for emitter and receiver

Basic code (Data Transfer) – done

Sensor to act on Data – in progress for both baseline (no multiple damage) and Beta (Multiple damage)


Using alternate flash memory audio system

Physical circuits

Emitter and Sensor:

Refined circuit design with alternate flash memory audio player – in design stage, waiting on parts


All code variations for alternate flash memory audio player – in development



Ref/setup box

                In design stages

Medic box

                In design stages

Overall documentation:
                In progress

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