Friday, 6 September 2019

That thumping noise? Thats me banging my head against a wall

Well, I’ll be the first to admit the pic/C isn’t going hugely smoothly so far.
The C side I’ve picked up (Re picked up as did C++ way back ??) as that’s easy enough.
The side I’m having well.. frustrations… with is the various peripherals and libraries for the XC8 compiler for the Pic.
In a nutshell, discrete libraries for the peripherals have been replaced with the MPLAB Code Configurator – which, I can understand in some ways as otherwise there are a LOT of libraries as you need to cover all the supported chips the code configurator is missing something important from Microchip. Straight forward examples and instructions on how to use the damn thing.
I’ve located some tutorials which will form the basis of what I need, as I know what I want the various peripherals to do and once it well.. ‘clicks’.. it’ll be straight forward, and it’ll click once I’ve wrapped my head around the code configurator as then I’ll be able to setup & code libraries for the particular chips to do what I want them to do.
And you can be sure I’ll be including the things in the open source release when it’s eventually ready for the Pic circuits.
I guess the main frustration is a lack of clear documentation for things like Serial communication via the Usart module and Modulating a PWM signal via the CCP – I know how to do the latter in theory due to getting it working on the picaxe – The bit I’ve not idea is getting the serial data to the USART module.
Building the signal is straight forward, as the relevant module has 2 inputs – it’s a case of setting one input to the pwm signal for the carrier, and then switching the other input between the PWM for the hit signal and the serial data.
In all honesty, once I’ve got my head around the serial data transmission/usart module it’ll be pretty much gravy from their on out.
Ok, so rant over 😊
In the meantime I will be updating the Picaxe based circuits for the previously mentioned updates and having more thoughts on the medic system – It’s meant to be pretty much optional, so why include too much on the sensors. The Timing can be done on the medic boxes themselves and then just zap the sensors to auto reset when it’s done – THAT can be done on the current picaxe based sensors as it won’t take a large amount of code/space and translated to Pics when that version is up and running.
Audio module wise, I’ve got the usb based modules, though the only datasheet I’ve located is in Chinese so I’m working with a somewhat ropey auto translated copy. It suggests that it needs a program to convert from Mp3 to .bin files and upload them to the module, BUT at the same time it’s using the same core chip as the sdcard based audio module so should be able to read mp3 straight off – the main difference seems to be the storage media (onboard memory versus microsdcard), well.. That and the onboard amp – 1W compared to 3W which could also be an issue.
Worst case with that is we stick with the existing modules, which isn’t the end of the world even if it does up the cost slightly for needing the microsdcards (Which are reusable though)

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